KEME IX Worldwide
Renowed Collaborators
At KEME IX, we embrace Ancestral Wisdom as well as the latest Holistic and Technological Innovations available for healing and Consciousness awakening.
KEME IX Collaborators
As a very delicate and important part of our services, we select our collaborators with the greatest prestige and experience to guide sacred ceremonies, marakames, taitas, shipibos, shamans, musicians and holistic healers. All from important lineages and with mastery and knowledge of ancestral traditions.
Holistic Teachers are qualified and certified renowned professionals from recognized institutions with long experience in their craft, who are passionate about our intentions, vision and programs, who possess a multicultural understanding of people, practices and traditions. And who embrace diversity, equity and inclusion.

Practitioner's Kundalini Bodywork.

She offers Satya Yoga, Reiki, Akashic Records and Holistic Experiences.

Rein Activation

Analytic and driven self- starter with several years of leadership experience, and a B.S. in Hospitality Management and Business Management. Motivated by opportunities in the customer service industry directed towards maintaining and expanding the client base through passion, marketing, and relationship building, with proven managerial skills.

Zen Takai, Born in 1975 in Fukuoka, Japan from a family of sixteen generations of Samurai and Ninjas, Zen grew up surrounded by swords. Trained by his father, himself a swordsman, he learned the thousand-year-old physical manipulation methods of Samurai and Ninjas. From them, he developed his method of mindfulness.

Alexander & Andrada are Masculine & Feminine Embodiment Guides, & Medicine Man & Woman. Together, they offer Sacred Union workshops, sacred plant medicine ceremonies and have held over 300 + private ceremonies in the last three years.

Ancestral experiences with the combination of Modern healing techniques such as Reiki, Crystals, magnets. Using sound, the elementals and the senses as a base, a keeper of ancestral wisdom. Elemental Medicine wheel inmersión Water Therapy Massage (Janzu)...

She is a soul singer, songwriter, and producer of music of consciousness and mantras. Healer, meditator and Reiki Master. She is the founder of the Infinite Voice Academy and teaches, meditation classes and Voice workshops.

Humanist, Citizen of the Earth, Social Entrepreneur, Conscious Visionary, Vibrational Healer, Sound Alchemist, Wisdom Keeper, Wellness Advisor, Galactic Ambassador, Promoter of a Culture of Peace and the Rights of Mother Nature.

Artistic and spiritual activities, therapies, yoga, temazcales, sound healing, ceremonies and ancestral medicine.

Astrologist, multidimensional, teacher, workshops, sacred processes, Tarot, Medicine wheel, woman circles

Musician and Therapist.

Musicians (Ayahuapu) and sacred medicine healers dedicated to raising consciousness. https://instagram.com/ayahuapuoficial

Carmen offers Voice Healing sessions , Therapeutic Dance WS, Holistic - Tantric Massages & Coachings, Consciouss Relationships WS and sessions, Janzu Water Therapies, Ecstatic Dances and Music for Medicine Plant Ceremonies, kirtans & Concerts.


Interdisciplinary artist who creates energetic channeling rituals driven by sound.

Animal Flow Instructor y Personal Trainer

Sound Healer, Cacao Ceremonies, Energetic Work, Earth Medicines.

Priest Andean on the road to Altomisayoq, 5th level of consciousness offers us its wisdom and Andean healing methods.

Medicine Woman, healer, shaman, Gestalt therapist, Multidimensional psychology, Official KEME IX psychologist, Yoga Clothes Manufacturer Keme IX Store

Daniela ha dedicado su vida a la música como una expresión artística para el despertar de la consciencia. Cantante de música cuántica, se ha formado como maestra de Yoga de la Voz siendo una herramienta holística para el redescubrimiento personal, y también en el estudio de lenguas extranjeras y culturas étnicas como el despertar de las memorias que conectan al ser humano con sus raíces, razón por la cual es considerada como una “Soprano Transformacional” entregando grandes conciertos de Sanaci.

Guardian of Sacred Portals and Galactic Natural Time Synchronizer. Writer and energy therapist.

Holistic Therapist and Coach.

Musician, Artist and Spiritual Sound Guide http://ravenslanding.org

Conscious Relationships & Somatic Therapist https://therisingjourney.com

Artists, Musicians, Healers and Sacred Ceremony Leaders

Breathwork, Leadership, Purpose, Love Coach https://www.lukeentrup